Connection: caa division 3 training + Wada 50th Celebration
Saturday February 22 | Aikido of San Jose | 190 Martha Street, San Jose
Robert Nadeau - 8thdan
Jack Wada - 7thdan
Laurin Herr - 6thdan
Elaine Yoder - 6thdan
Harry Concepcion - 5thdan
Robert Leichner - 5thdan
Saturday, February 22, 2020
1:00 - 5:00 pm : Training
5:30 - 9:00 pm : Celebration
Aikido of San Jose | 190 Martha Street | San Jose
Attendees are welcome to sleep overnight in the dojo & use the showers
Semi-annual CAA Training & Meeting
Aikido of San Jose on Sunday, February 23, 2020
Training 10:00 - 12:00. Teachers: Pat Hendricks, Michael Friedle, Robert Nadeau.Meeting 12:30 - 1:30